"I laughed, cried, felt the urgency . . . the story will take you to another dimension of 'ahhh' moments of reflection and insight that will 'gotcha.' I could read this book again and again and get something more. I enjoyed i from the second I began to read."

"A thick slice of MaryAnn Easley pie. Oozing UFOs, sweet on science, and warm with fantasy. This veteran children's writer's many young fans should be satiated.....for now!"

Sunday, December 20, 2015


What if you had the power to change reality?

The truth is . . . you do have that power.

As the sixteen-year-old protagonist in my novel CHANGED IN THE NIGHT discovers, reality is not what it seems. What we believe about ourselves becomes our truth, and that truth becomes our story buried deep in our consciousness. Allana's story prevents her from moving on with her life ten years after accidentally killing her twin brother. Her beliefs about herself warp her view of reality.

As Howard Falco says in his book I AM, "If I'm accepted, I'm loved. If I'm loved, I matter. If I matter, I exist." He tells us that our beliefs about who we are form our script and consciously or unconsciously define uu. Our beliefs determine how we make decisions in life and, therefore, help form our reality.

Our story is buried deep in our consciousness. A belief is a statement about reality that we feel is true.  As long as we feel it is true, it is true for us.

Life is like driving a car. Sixteen-year-old Allana Blair learns to drive a 1947 Buick Roadmaster convertible sedan in CHANGED IN THE NIGHT. Her Great-Aunt Grace instructs her on how to use the clutch and brake—look out, swerve, turn the wheel, slow down, bra-a-a-ake—and while driving, Allana must makes lots of decisions and risks. Eventually, however, we don't think very much about the risks or decisions as we drive. We're on automatic pilot.

Our story is the automatic pilot in life and reflects our positive and negative beliefs about ourselves. There are times we dislike something in others that are actually a reflection of our own characteristics we're in denial about and can't seem to change. We have all sorts of excuses why we can't or won't change our beliefs, and we rigidly stay within our self-destructive negative truths rather than risk venturing out of that reality.

Becoming self-aware is the first step to change. Once we make the decision to change our beliefs that cause so much emotional or physical or mental disharmony, then our perception also changes. What if we decided to no longer be unhappy or unwell? That very decision will then allow us to create happiness or wellness and our own reality.

There's a definite connection between what we feel, think, and believe. Over and over, we've heard that "whatever you believe to be true is true." And we've also been told, "what you think will happen will happen."

Positive thinking is important, but it begins with self-compassion. We have to care about the "self" in the same way we'd care about a dear friend.  

Thoughts create and feelings bring alive our reality. We design our reality with our thoughts and our feelings put the plan into action.

The reality Allana creates in CHANGED IN THE NIGHT is that she's not good enough since she's responsible for her family's misery. She cannot let go; she cannot forgive herself or others. Therefore, she's stuck in a dimension that prevents her from living the life she must live. It's a complicated and difficult process to find a new and more acceptable reality.

Nothing is as it seems. Anything is possible.

As Howard Falco says, "Your life is based entirely on who you believe that you are."