In doing research for my novel, I had to dig into unclassified files, Roswell, Project Blue Book accounts, as well as, Project Sign and Project Grudge.
I also researched old newspaper accounts of UFO sightings from the era of my story.
I sorted through valid and wacky information on UFO encounters.
I've read too many UFO books and articles to count, reviewed testimonies by astronauts, pilots, abductees, and eyewitnesses. I joined the Planetary Society, attended UFO meetings, visited the Giant Rock area, spent time in the Integraton. I talked with UFO buffs. This, after all, is fascinating stuff.
I wanted every instance of UFO encounters in my book to be based on true events. In the process of watching thousands of hours of documentaries, reading dozens of books that included authors Stephen Hawking, Edward J. Ruppelt, Edgar Mitchell, and Stanford T. Friedman, I discovered Robert Salas.
In his book, Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon, Robert Salas gives an account of his own alien abduction that occurred in 1985 while living in Manhattan Beach.
What you need to know about Robert Salas is that he's credible. He graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1961, flew target drones as a weapons controller, commanded intercontinental ballistic missiles as a launch officer, and worked as a missile propulsion engineer for the Titan III program. Then he worked for the FAA for nearly a decade.
Since the sixteen-year-old protagonist in my novel is abducted, I needed to know more about aliens. While I've seen UFOs, I've never met an alien face to face. All of the accounts I read jibed with what Salas had to say. I believe him. He's interviewed other abductees and talked to researchers and therapists, and he concludes that extraterrestrials . . .
1) are able to communicate directly to our minds via telepathic communication.
2) have the ability to control or affect the human neuro-sensory system (paralysis, pain control, etc.)
3) can affect human memory of events.
4) can understand our DNA makeup.
5) are able to understand our most technical equipment and concepts, such as, nuclear weaponry.
6) are involved in an active genetic manipulation or hybridization program.
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While I've seen UFOs, I'be never met an alien face to face. Therefore, I relied on eyewitness accounts. |
These above beliefs are based upon a wealth of testimonies and documentation. Robert Salas, however, speculates about other truths regarding extra-terrestrials.
1) ETs are able to tweak us so that we have psychic abilities.
2) They are able to manipulate certain abductees through some form of mind control.
3) They want to improve our species by raising our human consciousness.
4) They might be training us to qualify for inclusion in the cosmic community of intelligent life.
It's the last two suspicions that hooked me.
Perhaps we are still evolving, as we have been evolving for thousands of years.
Wouldn't it be a relief to know that it just might be possible to evolve into beings far better than ourselves, less destructive, more unified and more compassionate? What if we eventually become responsible stewards of Earth? What if science is used go construct rather than destruct and we lived in harmony and peace and forever? What if . . .?
Isn't that what God intended?
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