This connectedness should come as a relief because it means we're in this together and this thing called life is a group effort. Our individualism and big egos cause us trouble. Our stubborn adherence to the status quo and to old belief systems get in the way. We can't see the whole picture and how we fit into the scheme of things. We think we're the highest form of life in the Universe. We think we have all the answers. We maintain that we know what we're doing.
The truth is, however, we don't have a clue!
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Your guess is as good as mine, because we are only human and that means we suffer from the human condition. We have that selfish desire to be on top, the one in charge, or the one with the most money or power.
We want immortality and maybe we already have it since we're energy and everything else is energy too. But no, we want to be #1, the best of the bunch, the top dog.
To do so, we must obliterate the competition.
How idiotic is that?
We're human. We see with only two eyes, hear with only two ears, and there are other species on this planet do better than that. We're creating artificial intelligence that will probably do better and more efficient on keeping the planet green and flourishing.
We're at a disadvantage. With onto two eyes, we can't even SEE ourselves, for goodness sake. unless we look into a mirror. We can't see behind or all around us at once. We have to ask someone, "How do I look?" and rely on their judgment. The truth is, we are no better than the ants the sidewalk or the bees in the hive or the rabbits getting into our gardens. In fact, they seem to work better as a collective whole than we do.
To sum up, we are no better and no worse than other living beings on the planet, and we're certainly no better or worse than other life in the Universe. We know we're born and we die and sometimes we might feel a "presence" but that's about as close as we come in being part of the intricate fabric of this Universe.
In fact, this incredible lack of concern for our fellow human beings is rather off-putting. We blow things up, literally and figuratively. We tear down each other, one way or another, and we sabotage our own best interests.
In the best case scenario, we're pretty darn self-destructive.
Maybe it's time we let go of the idea that we're so very special. Wouldn't it be better to take care of each other instead of being all out for ourselves? Why not concentrate on giving rather than receiving? How about forgiving instead of holding a grudge? Why not try being warriors for peace instead of storming into one war after another in order to show off our weaponry or take revenge. We are shocked when other species eat their own kind, but we do it all the time, don't we?
It's just a thought, but could this be the message aliens from somewhere in the Universe or other dimensions are trying to tell us?
It's just an idea, but shouldn't we love each other instead of hating? We are, after all, human beings and part of being "human" is caring, isn't it? And don't we feel really good when we actually sincerely help someone else?
This interconnectedness is something to think about. And write about. And I did in CHANGED IN THE NIGHT.
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